Monday, March 21, 2011

TargetMap as a collaborative platform

TargetMap wants to be a collaborative platform. So any advice or help from any of you is well received.

Here you have two recent examples.

Regarding the map of Japan Radiation Maximum by Prefecture we received this mail (only relevant text is quoted, the mail was larger and very polite)

First, I think your scale may get into the “danger zone” indicated using the colors yellow, orange, and red a little too quickly. For example, Shizuoka is shown as being orange, which appears to mean something like “getting dangerous”. However, the historical data from the same data set for stations in Shizuoka show that 90 nGy/hr is the baseline in that area, with fluctuations of up to 100 in the pre-accident data. (For example, see the data for Nakamachi Omaezaki City and click on 90 [last 90 days]. Unfortunately, this historical data is only available in Japanese.)
Based on the historical data, it seems that readings up to around 100 nGy/hr are considered “normal”, so it may be better to set that level as green in the map scale. I think that the current scale runs the danger of provoking fear that may not be warranted among foreigners living in the yellow and orange areas.
Second, the notes on left hand side of the map say “Miyagi and Fukushima are completely N/A, as every single reading is Under Survey, also known as censored”. It’s possible that they are being censored, but it may also be that these stations were destroyed or lost power in the tsunami, as all of them are located within a few kilometers of the coast. (See Geir’s map to view the locations of the stations.) You may want to add that information to the map notes as well.”

As a result of this email, we have modified the values of the ranges and the explanation text as we think this user is completely right in his remarks

Another example of collaboration are users that send us maps of countries that are still not available in

Last week, one wonderful user (I would say friend) sent us the map of Slovenia in an .shp file. We hope we’ll be able to implement it during this week and everyone will benefit from his collaboration.

So, do not hesitate, if you have any advice, comment or anything you want to tell us just do it at

1 comment:

  1. Alvy said...

    In my humble opinion, it is perfectly reasonable to presume many fix monitoring posts destroyed or made unavailable for reading because of the tsunami and earthquake disasters. Nonetheless, official data concerning the Fukushima prefecture are regularly coming since the first days after Fukushima from police NBC squads, MEXT, JAEA, Defense Ministry of Japan. All of these data are perfectly public and accessible at I also published a map COMPARING the present radioactivity of whole japan (prefecture by prefecture) with the natural radioactivity recorded in the years before the accident, again considering ONLY official data, from the same site (MEXT, the Japanese ministry of education, science, ecc). The results are quite revealing and leave little space to doubts or speculations on hypotetical misjudjements on the radioactive levels caused by "natural radiation". Fukushima is what this all is about.
